


== ASC 预约和修改 ==预约网站会问你是否为 Third Country National (TCN)。选Yes和No会有不同的预约时间。因为你是在墨西哥签美国签证,任何墨西哥/美国这两国以外的居民都是第三国。 ==进入ASC==
== 签证被撤销 ==
根据联邦法规 § 41.122 Revocation of visas.<blockquote>(b) Provisional revocation</blockquote><blockquote>(2) Pending visa eligibility determination. A consular officer, the Secretary, or any Department official to whom the Secretary has delegated this authority may provisionally revoke a nonimmigrant visa while considering information related to whether a visa holder is eligible for the visa.</blockquote>即,领事官员在考虑是否能够给你X类签证的同时,有权撤销你目前的同类签证。实际操作中,撤销有两种方法:
* 在电脑系统,即 Consular Lookout and Support System (CLASS) 里撤销* 在签证上盖撤销章
== SAO ==
如果签证需要Security Advisory Opinion (SAO),则需要等DOS/FBI进行背景调查,确认可以签发签证。这个流程在中文网络里又被称作check。
* Visas Mantis 签证螳螂: 防止技术转移,包括敏感技术,以及军民两用技术。Visas Mantis里一半以上的审查对象都是中国人,中国俄罗斯一起则占了3/4* Visas Bear 签证熊: 外交、国际组织成员等* Visas Donkey 签证驴: 名字和恐怖分子相同* 以及各种动物...
* 申请人在CLASS系统里被标记需要SAO* 申请人曾经有过不良SAO结果* 申请人国家是已知的支持恐怖主义国家* 签证官认为申请人可以接触到 Technology Alert List (TAL) 列出的敏感技术
对于中国人常见的 Visas Mantis 背景调查,由 国务院 Department of State 和 联邦调查局 Federal Bureau of Investigation 共同处理。Visas Mantis获得的clearance有效期为1年,在签证上会标注 Clearance Received 或者 Department Authorization
如果在上次有效期内去重新签证,在其他情况不变的条件下,SAO可以复用。比如某人2000-01-01面试,面试官于2000-01-05申请Visas Mantis,2000-02-01获得clearance,签证上印clearance received 02-01-2000,则在2000-02-01之前,不改变学校/专业,或雇主/岗位的情况下,再次申请同类签证,可以重用clearance而不必再次申请SAO
== 面试后的单子 ==
== DS-160状态 ==
Application Received:面试前的状态。如果刚面试,也可能是还没有在系统里更新。
在某些情况下,当签证官认为你的材料不足以当场批复,但在进行行政审查或者SAO后可以批准,则会告诉你如何补充材料(或者无需补充材料,坐等SAO结果)。这种情况下,请按照签证官指示操作。当行政审查通过,或者SAO结果为可的情况下,可以推翻refusal,改为approval。如果签证官直接告诉你签证被拒,没有让你补充材料,也没有告诉你要进行行政审查、security clearance 或 background check等,那就是真的被拒了。
== Automatic Visa Revalidation ==非移民签证持有人,在短期(30天内)访问墨西哥或加拿大,可以持过期签证返美。这个法律条款就是 AVR, automatic visa revalidation。这个法规的意思就是,把你过期的签证当作有效签证使用,所以叫做visa revalidation。有些人可能会误以为这是”凭I-20入境“,这是不对的 。I-20只是一份支持文件,你能回来的根本还是你有过期的visa
我们来看法规条款原文,22 CFR 41.112(d) Automatic extension of validity at ports of entry.
* 1. Provided that the requirements set out in paragraph (d)(2) of this section are fully met, the following provisions apply to nonimmigrant aliens seeking readmission at ports of entry: ** (i) 过期的非移民签证有效期自动加长到你入境那一天 The validity of an expired nonimmigrant visa issued under INA 101(a)(15) may be considered to be automatically extended to the date of application for readmission; and ** (ii) 如果你在境内换过身份,则签证类型也被自动切换到新类型 In cases where the original nonimmigrant classification of an alien has been changed by DHS to another nonimmigrant classification, the validity of an expired or unexpired nonimmigrant visa may be considered to be automatically extended to the date of application for readmission, and the visa may be converted as necessary to that changed classification. ** 课代表总结:也就是说,如果你是境内F1签证过期,且已经换到H1b,则使用AVR时,虽然你手上是一个过期的F1签证,但视同你拿着一个当日有效的H1b签证。 ** (2) The provisions in paragraph (d)(1) of this section are applicable only in the case of a nonimmigrant alien who: *** (i) 持有有效的I-94或者I-20或者DS-2019表 Is in possession of a Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record, endorsed by DHS to show an unexpired period of initial admission or extension of stay, provided that in the case of a qualified F student or the accompanying spouse or child of such student, is in possession of a current Form I-20, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status, issued by the school that the student has been authorized to attend by DHS and endorsed by the issuing school official to indicate the period of initial admission or extension of stay authorized by DHS, and provided that in the case of a qualified J exchange visitor or the accompanying spouse or child of such exchange visitor, is in possession of a current Form DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status (J-NONIMMIGRANT), issued and endorsed by the Department of State-designated sponsor of the exchange program, to indicate the period of initial admission authorized by DHS or the extension of stay authorized by the Department of State; *** (ii) 离美不超过30天,且只在加拿大墨西哥(F/J可去邻近岛屿,除古巴) Is applying for readmission after an absence not exceeding 30 days solely in contiguous territory, or, in the case of a student or exchange visitor or accompanying spouse or child meeting the stipulations of paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section, after an absence not exceeding 30 days in contiguous territory or adjacent islands other than Cuba; *** (iii) 在美期间身份合法,且返回后继续保持同身份 Has maintained and intends to resume nonimmigrant status; *** (iv) 返美获得的身份不可超过原先的身份长度 Is applying for readmission within the authorized period of initial admission or extension of stay; *** (v) 持有效护照 Is in possession of a valid passport; *** (vi) 不需要 INA 212(d)(3) 的特殊授权(这条跟大多数人无关) Does not require authorization for admission under INA 212(d)(3); and *** (vii) 没有在海外申请新的美国证 Has not applied for a new visa while abroad. *** 课代表总结:AVR的主要目的是让合法在美国的非移民能够短期去墨西哥/加拿大,而不影响其在美国的身份。AVR回来的,只能获得原身份和原停留时间,不适用于延长停留时间,或者转换成别的身份进来。 ** (3) AVR条款不适用于支持恐怖主义国家的公民 The provisions in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this section shall not apply to the nationals of countries identified as supporting terrorism in the Department's annual report to Congress entitled Patterns of Global Terrorism.  '''申请新签证后是否可以AVR,以及是否可以返回美国?''' 严格说来是不行的。但实际操作中,大量的申请人的确回来等待SAO结果。于是有些人开始脑补,说国务院和海关的系统有延迟,所以是打时间差。这里完全不认同这个观点,原因是: * 如果签证取消有时间差,那签证issue应该也有?太多人从墨西哥拿到签证以后当天就回美的,从来没听到有人在机场被海关告知:电脑里还没有你的visa信息,请在大厅等着系统更新?* 群里有人去ASC以后立刻返美,在海关电脑上看到了ASC拍的照片。如果ASC的照片都能立刻到海关电脑上,你去面试了这种信息更不可能有什么延迟 都202x年了,又不是2G上网年代。各部门的数据肯定都是联网的。你面签时会产生 FIN_DOS_APP 事件,签证签发有 FIN_DOS_ISS 事件。你找 USCIS 延期或换身份,有 CIS_APP_PENDING 事件,批准后有 CIS_APP_APPRVED 事件,这些都在海关电脑里能看到。 你能进来,归根到底是海关有自由裁量权,即:你有签证,海关也可以不放你进来;你没签证,海关也可以放你进来。比如,有些人在海关被要求填写 I-193, Application for Waiver of Passport and/or Visa,缴费后放行。也有填表后免除费用放行的,当然也有什么表都不填就进来的。 '''入境后有风险?'''
The validity of an expired nonimmigrant visa issued under INA 101(a)(15) may be considered to be automatically extended to the date of application for readmission; and 有人说,你在visa pending期间进来了,这样跑个SQL就能抓出来,影响以后申请绿卡。说这种话就是对美国移民法完全不了解。
(ii) In cases where the original nonimmigrant classification of an alien has been changed by DHS to another nonimmigrant classification, the validity of an expired or unexpired nonimmigrant visa may be considered to be automatically extended to the date of application for readmission, and the visa may be converted as necessary to that changed classification. 首先,这个SQL跑不出来。美国的移民和身份是一个个的event,而不是stateful的状态。只有从前到后梳理所有的event,才能推出来你在某一天是什么状态。如果FOIA过I-485表格的小伙伴,经常会看到ISO(Immigration Services Officer,即批准申请的人)在申请表上手写一段段的身份,以确认在美期间没有非法滞留。要是SQL能跑,这些ISO都吃饱了用手算么?
(2) The provisions in paragraph (d)(1) of this section are applicable only in the case of a nonimmigrant alien who: 其次,就算SQL能跑,你的入境也不违法。按照移民法的规定,只要是海关放进来的,就是合法入境。这不仅包括海关在电脑上操作了、留下记录的放进来(毫无争议,你没有翻墙),更包括没有记录的入境美国,都可能是合法的。我们来看两个案例:
* Matter of Graciela Quilantan, 25 I&N Dec. 285 (iBIA 2010) Is in possession of a Form 案中 Quilantan 自称是一辆小汽车上的乘客,海关检查了司机的证件,没有看 Quilantan 的,就允许他们入境了。Quilantan的入境没有电子记录,也没有 I-94, Arrival-Departure Record, endorsed by DHS to show an unexpired period of initial admission or extension of stay, provided that in the case 。法官判决 Quilantan 入境合法,可以境内转换身份获得绿卡。* Matter of a qualified F student or the accompanying spouse or child of such studentAreguillin, is in possession of a current Form 17 I-20, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status, issued by the school that the student has been authorized to attend by DHS and endorsed by the issuing school official to indicate the period of initial admission or extension of stay authorized by DHS, and provided that in the case of a qualified J exchange visitor or the accompanying spouse or child of such exchange visitor, is in possession of a current Form DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status &N Dec. 308 (J-NONIMMIGRANTBIA 1980), issued and endorsed by the Department of State-designated sponsor of the exchange program, to indicate the period of initial admission authorized by DHS or the extension of stay authorized by the Department of State; 案中 Areguillin 自称是小汽车的乘客,与另外5人一起入境。海关没有询问Areguillin的证件。法官认为,哪怕Areguillin没有主动提交证件以供检查,但CBP只要允许其入境,即为合法入境,可以境内转换身份获得绿卡。
(ii) Is applying for readmission after an absence not exceeding 30 days solely in contiguous territory, or, in the case of a student or exchange visitor or accompanying spouse or child meeting the stipulations of paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section, after an absence not exceeding 30 days in contiguous territory or adjacent islands other than Cuba; 两个判决中,法官都强调了,对于申请人来说,只要出现在美国海关接受海关检查,即完成了个人义务。海关是否检查、是否询问问题、是否赋予身份,都不改变这是”合法入境“的本质。
(iii) Has maintained and intends to resume nonimmigrant status; '''真正的风险'''
(iv) Is applying for readmission within the authorized period of initial admission or extension of stay; 前面提到,海关有自由裁量权,可以放你进来,也可以不放。所以,风险不在于你进来这件事是否违法,而在于你能否进来。
(v) Is in possession of a valid passport; * 面试官可能在电脑里取消了你的签证,而你到了海关才知道签证被取消了。此时海关也会比较为难,毕竟AVR没戏了(当然也不是完全不可能,很多人被盖章取消的,也回美国了)* 海关发现了你申请新签证,并且坚持拒绝入境,毫不通融* 海关今天心情不好,就是不想让你进来,哪怕你的签证还没过期,也没被取消
(vi) Does not require authorization for admission under INA 212(d)(3); and 如果海关拒绝入境,你有两个选择
(vii) Has not applied for a new visa while abroad. * 海关允许你撤回本次入境申请。可能会让你填 I-275 表,也可能直接让你掉头回去。填表会留下永久记录,掉头走的话看情况可能会记在电脑里。如果有撤回记录,不会自动禁止下次入境,但可能需要口头解释为什么上次撤回。* 你坚持继续请求入境,海关要做出最终裁决,于是前台officer把你送去后面牢房里(注意这里不是俗称的小黑屋,而是真正关人的地方,要搜身,拿走所有随身物品,然后关到铁栏杆后面),开始准备遣返。然后这里有两个可能性:** 完成遣返文件,送回墨西哥或者中国,留下永久记录,且根据情况禁止入境5/10/20年,或终生** 负责遣返的领导认为这种事情小题大做,填那么多表格他很烦,那边还有真正偷渡的要处理,于是改变前台officer的决定,把你放进美国
(3) The provisions in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this section shall not apply to the nationals of countries identified as supporting terrorism in the Department's annual report to Congress entitled Patterns of Global Terrorism.== 带领护照 ==领取护照必须本人,不支持代领
== 签证有效期 ==根据签证互惠(即两国给对方同类签证同等时间)以及各种双边 单边的 条约和规定,美国对于中国人的签证有效期在国务院官网 <nowiki>https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/China.html</nowiki>
* F1不超过60个月(5年)。绝大多数需要SAO的,只会拿到1年F1,但不排除给5年的情况* H1b不超过12个月(1年) ,因为中国给美国人的工作签证也是1年 特例: 根据北美自由贸易协定, 持有 加拿大永久居民 身份 枫叶卡 持有人 在美国驻加拿大使领馆申请H1b签证,适用加拿大的签证互惠条款,而不是中国的。所以,持中国护照 + 枫叶卡,在加拿大签H1b,是每次3年(不超过 I-797日期)
