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增加 477 位元組, 2 年前
**整个行为发生在16岁以前。法律原文是 is or was solely when under 16 years of age。注意不要误解成16岁以前加入组织就不算。这个法律的意思是,16岁以前你啥都不懂,那参加什么都行,但16岁你得懂了吧,所以16岁生日当天必须退了。只要16岁生日以后还留在组织里,那就从16岁生日开始算自愿加入,就不适用本条豁免。22 CFR § 40.34 (d) '''Voluntary Membership After Age 16.''' If an alien continues or continued membership in or affiliation with a proscribed organization on or after reaching 16 years of age, only the alien's activities after reaching that age shall be pertinent to a determination of whether the continuation of membership or affiliation is or was voluntary.
**自动加入的,法律原文是 by operation of law。也就是,你没打申请没打报告,自动就被算作成员了。大多数少先队员就是这种情况。22 CFR § 40.34 (e) '''Operation of Law Defined'''. The term operation of law, as used in INA 212(a)(3)(D), includes any case wherein the alien automatically, and without personal acquiescence, became a member of or affiliated with a proscribed party or organization by official act, proclamation, order, edict, or decree.
**生活所迫,法律原文是 for purposes of obtaining employment, food rations, or other essentials of living and whether necessary for such purposes。注意实际操作中,移民局对此的理解并不是“有了党员找工作容易”,而是“你不入党会饿死嘛?”如果要引用这一条豁免,常见被反驳的问题包括:你们公司所有人都是党员嘛?你是被强迫去这个公司,没有任何其他的可能性了嘛?所以,对于绝大多数人来说,本条豁免不适用。

