


按照法 律原文 ,提交I-485以后出境,视为放弃485申请,除非:
*出境前获批AP (Advance Parole),且持AP回美
*出境前获批AP (Advance Parole),且持AP回美
法规原文详见 8 CFR 245.2(a)(4)(ii) Effect of departure Under 245 注意这条法规还包括了被遣返时离境等情况,为了简化,这里并没有在这里进行多讨论。完整法规请自行查阅 8 CFR 245.2(a)(4)(ii)。<blockquote>(A) Except '''as provided in paragraph (a)(4)(ii)(B) and (C) of this section''', the departure of an applicant shall be deemed an abandonment of the application constituting grounds for termination of any pending application for adjustment of status. 除了以下两条例外,离境就放弃485</blockquote><blockquote>(B) The travel outside of the United States by an applicant for adjustment shall not be deemed an abandonment of the application if he or she was previously granted advance parole by the Service for such absences, and was inspected and paroled upon returning to the United States. 第一个例外,离境前即有AP,且以AP返回(不能以别的签证返回)</blockquote><blockquote>(C) The travel outside of the United States by an applicant for adjustment of status who is in lawful H-1 or L-1 status shall not be deemed an abandonment of the application if, upon returning to this country, the alien remains eligible for H or L status, is coming to '''resume employment''' with '''the same employer''' for whom he or she had previously been authorized to work as an H-1 or L-1 nonimmigrant, and, is in possession of a '''valid H or L visa''' (if required). 离境前要有合法H/L身份,且回来继续给离境前的原雇主工作。法规后面还有一段 H4/L2也是同理,去掉了resume employment,改为他们的主申请人H1/L1要有合法H/L身份</blockquote> 从这条法律,我们可以衍生出一些常见的问题:
**不满足8 CFR 245.2(a)(4)(ii)(C)的same employer的要求,所以只能以8 CFR 245.2(a)(4)(ii)(B)回来(即以AP回来,然后用EAD上班)。所以,H1b如果被开了,记得拿到AP再出境哦
