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复杂的说:因为EB绿卡的本质是因为找不到合适的美国人,从而招一个外国人来做这个岗位,所以这是一个 future job offer。至于NIW 和 EB1a ,这里的waiver也就是豁免掉了具体的 job offer,并不意味着不需要在本专业继续发光发热。以下描述针对 PERM ,但 EB1a / NIW 同理
对于原生没换过工作的人来说,PERM 的 ETA-9089 表,第8页,你的签名上方就有,"I further declare under penalty of perjury that '''I intend to accept the position offered''' in Section H of this application if a labor certification is approved and I am granted a visa or '''an adjustment of status''' based on this application"。其中前者的 granted a visa 指境外CP获得移民签证,后者指 I-485 的 AOS 申请。
== 能否加入共产党 ==
* 根据 INA 227,作为要推翻美国政府的共产党外国人,要被驱逐出境:Any alien who has engaged, is engaged, or at any time after admission engages in ... any activity a purpose of which is the opposition to, or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the United States by force, violence, or other unlawful means, is deportable. * 根据 INA 313,入籍美国前10年不得参加共产党:The provisions of this section shall be applicable to any applicant for naturalization who at any time within a period of '''ten years''' immediately preceding the filing of the application for naturalization or after such filing and before taking the final oath of citizenship is, or has been found to be within any of the classes enumerated within this section, notwithstanding that at the time the application is filed he may not be included within such classes.
