


增加 106 位元組, 3 年前
中国人则成立了 LIA,合法移民协会(Legal Immigrant Association),网站 http://www.legalimmigrant.org ,联系议员等进行各种抗议活动
美国移民律师协会 AILA 也与 USCIS 进行谈判,并准备提起诉讼。其旗下的American Immigration Law Foundation (现 American Immigration Council)已经拟好了诉状准备提交 ,详见 https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/litigation/lawsuit-visa-bulletin-adjustment-status
国会 议员 也对 USCIS 发出了质询:<blockquote>Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose) today sent a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Chertoff requesting "all correspondence, e-mails, memoranda, notes, field guidance or other documentation relating to the issuance" of the "Update to July Visa Availability" on July 2, 2007. The letter contains thirteen separate questions and requests for information relevant to the issuance of the updated Visa Bulletin.</blockquote><blockquote>"The Department's unprecedented decision to reject adjustment of status applications has caused needless hardship and disruption to countless immigrants," noted Rep. Zoe Lofgren. "It has also come to my attention that USCIS began returning visa numbers to the State Department as early as Thursday, July 5, 2007, due to their inability to review applications effectively. The Department of Homeland Security has once again demonstrated its inability to complete even its core missions. This debacle demonstrates the need for more transparency and oversight of the department's operations and procedures."</blockquote>
