


移民的 法律 自然就是 移民法 法规指的是 美国联邦法规 [https://www.law.cornelluscis.edugov/cfr/textlaws-and-policy/22legislation/partimmigration-42/subpartand-F 22 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter E, Part 42, Subpart F nationality- Numerical Controls act Immigration and Priority DatesNationality Act], 这是对移民 收录于联邦 的要求的具体实施。可以看到,除了2013年加了一段”Entitlement to immigrant classification”以外,对应法规全部都是90年代的产物,近20年没有更新过。典(United States Code, USC)第8编
===§42排期对应的法规是《美国联邦法规》第22编第1章第E分章第42部第F分部 [https://www.51   Department control of numerical limitationslaw.===(a) ''Centralized controlcornell.'' Centralized control of the numerical limitations on immigration specified in INA 201edu/cfr/text/22/part-42/subpart-F 22 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter E, 202Part 42, Subpart F - Numerical Controls and 203 is established in the Department. The Department shall limit the number of immigrant visas that may be issued and the number of adjustments of status that may be granted to aliens subject to these numerical limitations to a number:Priority Dates] 联邦法规是政府部门的操作指南。在三权分立的美国架构下,国会负责立法,行政部门根据法律制定法规。这些法规可以看作是对联邦法律的具体实施细则。
(1) Not 可以看到,除了2013年加了一段”Entitlement to exceed 27 percent of the world-wide total made available under INA 203 (a), (b) and (c) in any of the first three quarters of any fiscal year; andimmigrant classification”以外,对应法规全部都是90年代的产物,近20年没有更新过。
(2) Not to exceed, in any month ==排期表的制定==国务院(Department of a fiscal yearState, 10DOS)对外发布的 [https://travel.state.gov/content/dam/visas/Statistics/Immigrant-Statistics/Immigrant%20Visa%20Control%20System_operation% 20of.pdf The Operation of the world-wide total made available under INA 203 (a), (b) and (c) plus any balance remaining from authorizations for preceding months in the same fiscal year.Immigrant Numerical Control System] 一文,描述了排期表的指定方法。以下是对DOS官网这篇文档的总结:
*每月初,所有海外使领馆上报 documentarily qualified (中文称“审结”)的人员列表。信息只有 国家、类别、PD,不包含姓名等个人信息。这些信息<s>在每月的第一周计算,于每月的8日前汇报</s> 2022年3月起,改为每月1日汇报*Visa Office (bVO) 按月分配名额,结合上报的审结列表,划定排期的日期。其中,会考虑如下因素:**以往的名额使用情况**预测使领馆下月的名额使用情况和退回情况(使领馆如果有人员变动等导致面试能力受限的,需要提前汇报)**预测的 USCIS 使用情况(这是个神坑)*综合考虑以上因素以后,如果名额有多余,那就是 C。如果名额不够,那就以最后一个''Allocation of numbers.'排不到''' Within the foregoing limitations, the Department shall allocate immigrant visa numbers for use in connection with the issuance of immigrant visas and adjustments based on the chronological order of the priority dates of visa applicants classified under INA 203 (a) and 的人的排期日划线*排期以周为组,每月的1-7日为1组,8-14日,15-21日,以及22日以后。所以排期的日期永远是1/8/15/22中的一个。特例是印度的EB和墨西哥的FB,在少数时候,即使1周的量也可能会超过配额太多,以至于要选择1/8/15/22以外的日子。*VO计算好排期以后,会发布给各驻海外使领馆、移民局,并公布在 Consular Affairs (bCA) reported by consular officers pursuant to §42的网站上 travel.state.55(b) and of applicants for adjustment of status as reported by officers of the DHSgov**所以排期表最后的签名是 CA/VO 就是指 Consular Affairs, taking into account the requirements of INA 202(e) in such allocations. In the case of applicants under INA 203(c)Visa Office, visa numbers shall be allocated within the limitation for each specified geographical region in the random order determined in accordance with sec. 42.33(c) of this part.然后日期是8号左右,也就是在收到全球使领馆发回的签证使用情况汇报以后,制定的排期表*名额分配:**使领馆名额,因为有上报时已经有个人信息,一旦排期计算完毕,名额即分配到个人**USCIS 等到所有处理完毕,发卡之前,才会申请名额(坑 x 2)
(c) ''Recaptured visa numbers.'' An immigrant visa number shall be returned to the Department for reallocation within the fiscal year in which the visa was issued when:国家名额的分配方法,可以延申阅读专门文章 [[绿卡名额分配]] 。为什么中印有那么多人在排期,可延申阅读 [[为什么有这么多backlog]] 。
(1) An immigrant having an immigrant visa is excluded from the United States and deported;==USCIS和排期表== (2) An immigrant does not apply for admission to the United States before the expiration of the validity of the visa;不管是从联邦法规,还是排期表的制定流程,都可以看到:全程不需要 USCIS 提供任何数据,也不需要他们参与任何决策。
(3) An alien having a preference immigrant visa is found not to be a preference immigrant; orUSCIS唯一的责任就是:批卡的时候,向 DOS 申请一下名额。
(4) An immigrant visa is revoked pursuant to §42.82这也就造成了 USCIS 不需要对于排期负责,不需要公开任何数据,随便怎么瞎搞都可以。这一原则在2010年的诉讼 [[Zixiang Li, et al v.Hillary Clinton, et al]] 中得到了法官确认,有兴趣的可以延申阅读。
[56 FR 51174, Oct. 10, 1991, as amended at 59 FR 15302, Mar. 31, 1994; 63 FR 48578, Sept. 11, 1998]==为什么排期会时进时退==(这里不是指8/9月财年结束时,因为名额提前用完导致的暂时性后退,而是指以若干年为周期的排期大幅前进、大幅后退、再缓慢前进的现象)
===§42.52   Post records of visa applications.===(a) ''Waiting list.'' Records of individual visa applicants entitled to an immigrant classification and their priority dates shall be maintained at posts at which immigrant visas are issued. These records shall indicate the chronological and preferential order in which consideration may be given to immigrant visa applications within the several immigrant classifications subject to the numerical limitations specified in INA 201, 202, and 203. Similar records shall be kept for the classes specified in INA 201(b)(2) and 101(a)(27) (A) and (B) which are not subject to numerical limitations. The records which pertain to applicants subject to numerical limitations constitute “waiting lists 中文论坛里把这个现象戏称为“建库 within the meaning of INA 203(e)(3) as redesignated by the Immigration Act of 1990.,但实际上是因为USCIS没有义务给国务院提供数据,并且USCIS自己内部管理也很乱,很多材料还是纸质,并没有电子化,导致数据传导链很长。
(b) ''Entitlement to immigrant classification.'' An alien shall be entitled to immigrant classification if the alien:一个典型的周期为:
(1) Is the beneficiary of an approved petition according immediate relative or preference status;#第一个月#*USCIS无表可以批,摸鱼中#*DOS数据显示,没有足够的CP和485量,于是前进排期#第二个月#*USCIS收到大量 I-485,但都是纸质,还没有进行处理,连USCIS自己都不知道这些表格的国家和类别,更不可能报给DOS(这里主要的问题是,确定排期涉及到EB123能够使用最早的PD,而不是随485交的140的纸面的PD。且485能使用配偶的出生国,或父母的出生国,所以lockbox收下485时的初审不能作为最终判断,必须等ISO审核完所有I-140,确认了最早的PD,然后看了提交的出生证明和配偶的出生证明,确定了国家,才能提交给DOS最终数据。如果你看一眼485的收据,上面写着:If this notice contains a priority date, this priority does not reflect earlier retained priority dates. 并且很多人的收据上PD一栏是空的,所以,除非USCIS修改流程,否则在初始阶段就能获得PD数据并上报DOS的可能性很低)#*DOS看没收到多少表,继续前进排期#第三个月#*USCIS还在忙拆包#*DOS看485的量没有上来,于是继续前进排期#第四个月#*USCIS忙拆包,更多的485交到USCIS,仍然是纸质,仍然需要时间处理,只批了零星的锦鲤#*DOS看485的量没有上来,于是继续前进排期#...如此循环n轮以后...比如,半年后...#第六个月#*USCIS终于处理了一部分485,报数据给DOS#*DOS发现,原来已经收了远超配额的表,于是后退排期#第七个月#*USCIS继续处理485,更多的数据报给DOS#*DOS保持排期不动#第八个月#*USCIS终于有了初步数据#*DOS发现可能退的有点多,那就往前挪两个礼拜#第N个月后....#*USCIS终于把这一波485处理差不多了,开始摸鱼#*DOS数据显示无表可批,此时已经晚了,于是回到第1步,再次大幅前进排期,进入下一个循环
(2) Has satisfied the consular officer that the alien is entitled to special immigrant status under INA(101)(a)(27) (A) or (B); (3) Is entitled to status as a Vietnam Amerasian under section 584(b)(1) of section 101(e) of Public Law 100-202 as amended by Public Law 101-167 and re-amended by Public Law 101-513; or (4) Beginning in FY-95, is entitled to status as a diversity immigrant under INA 203(c). (c) ''Record made when entitlement to immigrant classification is established.'' (1) A record that an alien is entitled to an immigrant visa classification shall be made whenever the consular officer is satisfied—or receives evidence—that the alien is within the criteria set forth in paragraph (b) of this section. (2) A separate record shall be made of family members entitled to derivative immigrant status whenever the consular officer determines that a spouse or child is chargeable to a different foreign state or other numerical limitation than the principal alien. The provisions of INA 202(b) are to be applied as appropriate when either the spouse or parent is reached on the waiting list. (3) A separate record shall be made of a spouse or child entitled to derivative immigrant status whenever the consular officer determines that the principal alien intends to precede the family. [56 FR 51174, Oct. 9, 1991, as amended at 61 FR 1836, Jan. 24, 1996; 78 FR 31399, May 24, 2013] ===§42.53   Priority date of individual applicants.===(a) ''Preference applicant.'' The priority date of a preference visa applicant under INA 203 (a) or (b) shall be the filng date of the approved petition that accorded preference status. (b) ''Former Western Hemisphere applicant with priority date prior to January 1, 1977.'' Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, an alien who, prior to January 1, 1977, was subject to the numerical limitation specified in section 21(e) of the Act of October 3, 1965, and who was registered as a Western Hemisphere immigrant with a priority date prior to January 1, 1977, shall retain that priority date as a preference immigrant upon approval of a petition according status under INA 203 (a) or (b). (c) ''Derivative priority date for spouse or child of principal alien.'' A spouse or child of a principal alien acquired prior to the principal alien's admission shall be entitled to the priority date of the principal alien, whether or not named in the immigrant visa application of the principal alien. A child born of a marriage which existed at the time of a principal alien's admission to the United States is considered to have been acquired prior to the principal alien's admission. ===§42.54   Order of consideration.===(a) ''General.'' Consular officers shall request applicants to take the steps necessary to meet the requirements of INA 222(b) in order to apply formally for a visa as follows: (1) In the chronological order of the priority dates of all applicants within each of the immigrant classifications specified in INA 203 (a) and (b); and (2) In the random order established by the Secretary of State for each region for the fiscal year for applicants entitled to status under INA 203(c). (b) [Reserved] [56 FR 51174, Oct. 10, 1991, as amended at 59 FR 15302, Mar. 31, 1994; 61 FR 1836, Jan. 24, 1996; 63 FR 48578, Sept. 11, 1998] ===§42.55   Reports on numbers and priority dates of applications on record.===(a) Consular officers shall report periodically, as the Department may direct, the number and priority dates of all applicants subject to the numerical limitations prescribed in INA 201, 202, and 203 whose immigrant visa applications have been recorded in accordance with §42.52(c). (b) ''Documentarily qualified applicants.'' Consular officers shall also report periodically, as the Department may direct, the number and priority dates of all applicants described in paragraph (a) of this section who have informed the consular office that they have obtained the documents required under INA 222(b), for whom the necessary clearance procedures have been completed. [56 FR 51174, Oct. 10, 1991, as amended at 61 FR 1836, Jan. 24, 1996] ==排期表的制定==国务院(Department of State, DOS) USCIS和DOS 外发布的 [https://travel.state.gov/content/dam/visas/Statistics/Immigrant-Statistics/Immigrant%20Visa%20Control%20System_operation%20of.pdf The Operation of the Immigrant Numerical Control System] 于pending case常用inventory“库存” 描述了排期表的指定方法 * 每月初,所有海外使领馆上报 documentarily qualified (中文称 也常用demand 审结 需求 )的人员列表 一词 信息只有 国家、类别、PD,不包含姓 等个人信息 额就是supply“供给” 本信息在每月的第一周计算* Visa Office (VO) 按月分配名额 如何build up inventory 结合上报 使得supply matches demand其实是很典型 审结列表 供应链管理。很遗憾 划定排期的日期。其中 不管USCIS还是DOS 会考虑如下因素:** 以往的名额使 虽然都在 情况** 预测下月 这些供应链 名额使 词汇,但从来没有 情况和退回情况** 预测 供应链 USCIS 使用情况( 思路去解决过 神坑)* 综合考虑以上因素以 问题。排期的前进 退 如果名额有多余,那就 在供应链管理中 C 典型的牛鞭效应(Bullwhip effect)的体现 如果名额不够 它是指 那就以最后一个'''排不到'''的人的排期日划线* 排期以周 组,每月的1信息需要逐层传导(消费者-零售商-7日为1组,8分销商-14日,5供应商-21日 生产商) 以及22日以 数据不仅滞 ,并且信号会被逐层放大,导致缺少的时候更缺,过量的时候更过 所以排期的日期永远是1/8/15/22中 比如,零售商短暂 缺货(小幅需求增加),导致零售商向分销商加量订货,分销商又加量往上订货,等传导到生产商时, 一个* VO计算好排期以后 小幅需求增加,被传导成了大幅的需求增加;此时如果生产商按照此预测来生产 发布给各驻海外使领馆、移民局 造成生产过剩。对于绿卡的情况就是 并公布在 Consular Affairs (CA) 每次收不到表 网站上 travel.state.gov* 名额分配:** 使领馆名额 时候 ,因为 有上报时已经有个人 信息 传导滞后 一旦 就会超额前进 排期 计算完毕 ,名额 即分配到 也会超发2803 ** USCIS 等到所有处理完毕 。每次表收多了,就会超额后退 甚至出现欠 卡之前 才会申请名额 发不满2803 坑 x 2 史上最少一年中国EB3只发了1077个 ) == USCIS和排期表 ==。在供应链 是从联邦 理中,解决牛鞭效应的方 无非就 排期表 几个途径:上下游数据共享和透明(USCIS数据公开)、加速周转(即加快USCIS处理速度),基于历史数据的更好预判等等。可惜 制定流程 都可以看 数据透明做不 :全程不需要 USCIS ,因为USCIS没有法定义务 提供 任何 数据, 且电子系统 也不 需要 存在。加快周转更没可能,在过去的10年,USCIS只有越来越慢,从未加速过。基于历史数据预判,不是DOS公务员的行事风格, 他们 参与任何决策 更希望照章办事,一板一眼,这样自己不负责,反正“依法办事” 如果自己发挥太多的主观能动性去“预测”,算对了也没人表扬,反而是算错了容易被告,得不偿失,所以还不如保守一点的好,USCIS说啥就是啥,你说你能发多少,我就100%相信你
USCIS唯一 这个现象最严重 责任就是:批卡 是2012财年 印度EB2。当 ,2011年10月的印度EB2排期日是2007-07-15,然后以每个月前进小半年甚至1年的速度,快进到到2012年4月排期表的2010-05-01,紧接着在2012年5月排期表退至2007-08-15。这次排期快速前进所收的表 向 USCIS 申请一下 远超过印度的 名额 ,所以接下来处理了9年,到2021年4月的排期表,才恢复到2010-05-01。如果这真是有意为之的“建库”,怎么可能一次建9年?这显然就是因为信息传导太慢,导致的排期大进大退
== AB表 ==因为 USCIS 的流程和数据完全不透明,在2015年,引入了 A / B 表的制度,其本意是为了让 USCIS 的流程更接近 DOS 的,也就是先按照一定的提前量收表(B表),这样可以准确知道 I-485 库存的 国家 和 Priority Date,以此可以让排期更准确。
在初次实施 AB表 的 2015年10月 排期,国务院在9月初公布的 B表 日期,比 A表 大幅提前,让很多人开始准备在新财年交表。但在9月25日,财年开始前5天,国务院突然修改了排期表,大幅退后了 B表 排期。
* EB-2 印度,退后2年 ,2011,从 2011-07-01 退到 2009-07-01* EB-2 中国,退后17个月 ,2014,从 2014-05-01 退到 2013-01-01* EB-3 菲律宾,退后5年 ,2015,从 2015-01-01 退到 2010-01-01
这是史上第二次在排期表公布以后修改(第一次是 [[07大潮]])。 这一事件引发了所谓 Visagate,或者“签证门”诉讼。诉讼的结果是,法院判决,排期表在下月生效以前,不能认为是最终版。国务院有权在生效前做出改变。<blockquote>The two Visa Bulletins are not "definitive statements" but informative statements; the September 9, 2015, Visa Bulletin did appear to have a direct and immediate effect on the day-to-day business of Plaintiffs; the Visa Bulletins did not have the status of law, if at all, until October 1, 2015; immediate compliance with the terms of these Visa Bulletins was clearly not expected; and the Visa Bulletins did not necessarily answer a legal question. These indicia of finality support the Court's conclusion that the two Visa Bulletins in question do not constitute final agency action.</blockquote>随着第一次引入 AB表 导致的闹剧,USCIS 在随 后并没有一直使用 B表。在 2017年1月 更换总统以后,更出现了2018财年全年不 使 用 B表 的情况。这个半吊子的项目,目前只剩下了仍然在 DOS 网站挂着的那句“USCIS, in coordination with Department of State (DOS), is revising the procedures for determining visa availability for applicants waiting to file for employment-based or family-sponsored preference adjustment of status. The revised process will better align with procedures DOS uses for foreign nationals who seek to become U.S. permanent residents by applying for immigrant visas at U.S. consulates and embassies abroad.”
至于什么时候 USCIS 能 better align with DOS,就只有天知道了
