具体项目的比较、收费、申请流程等,请参考 DHS Trusted Traveler Program 官网 https://ttp.dhs.gov/
== 给子女申请中国旅行证或签证 ==简单解释就是,不影响已有的子女证件。拿卡后再出生 在美国 的子女只能拿中国签证。
在实际操作中,”定居“被理解成获得绿卡或公民。也就是,如果子女 ''' 出生时 候 ''' ,父母是中国公民,则子女自动获得中国国籍,除非中国籍父母(双方或一方)获得了外国绿卡或公民。 国籍认定是以子女 ''' 出生时 ''' 父母的身份为准。父母以后的身份改变,不影响已经出生的子女的国籍(否则就乱套了,小孩子的国籍变来变去)。已出生的小孩的国籍改变必须由他们自己在法定年龄之后依法进行放弃。
拿到绿卡以后,如果还想以后的子女有中国国籍,只能去中国生。按照《国籍法》第四条:''父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在中国,具有中国国籍。''同时,美国永久居民的子女,在出生2年内、在父/母第一次回到美国时,随父/母入境的,自动获得美国永久居民身份。 8 CFR 211.1(b)(1): ''A waiver of the visa required in paragraph (a) of this section shall be granted without fee or application by the district director, upon presentation of the child's birth certificate ... or a child born during the temporary visit abroad of a mother who is a lawful permanent resident noncitizen, or a national, of the United States, provided that the child's application for admission to the United States is made within 2 years of birth, the child is accompanied by the parent who is applying for readmission as a permanent resident upon the first return of the parent to the United States after the birth of the child, and the accompanying parent is found to be admissible to the United States.''