「Travel Ban」修訂間的差異

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COVID travel ban 已于 2021年10月25日 宣布取消。以下内容仅作历史参考,现已不适用
 针对中国的 Travel Ban,全称 [https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/02/05/2020-02424/suspension-of-entry-as-immigrants-and-nonimmigrants-of-persons-who-pose-a-risk-of-transmitting-2019 Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus and Other Appropriate Measures To Address This Risk],我们来看原文:
 针对中国的 Travel Ban,全称 [https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/02/05/2020-02424/suspension-of-entry-as-immigrants-and-nonimmigrants-of-persons-who-pose-a-risk-of-transmitting-2019 Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus and Other Appropriate Measures To Address This Risk],我们来看原文:
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 按照Travel Ban原文,不行,AP不是豁免类别之一。连持移民签证都进不来,更何况 I-485 待审这种,移民还没被批的情况。
 按照Travel Ban原文,不行,AP不是豁免类别之一。连持移民签证都进不来,更何况 I-485 待审这种,移民还没被批的情况。
 在疫情初期,CBP发了一份文件,把 AP 列在了 Travel Document 里。对于这份文件的理解,应该是:这些所列的 travel document 仅仅是可被接受的文件,不代表用了这些文件就自动受到豁免。举例就是,某火锅店说,生日当天免费吃火锅,可以凭:身份证、驾照、护照。这不代表你拿了身份证就能免费吃火锅,还是要满足“生日”的条件。用 AP 举个例子就是,如果某夫妻有美国公民的子女,持 AP 作为 travel document 是可以入境的,豁免资格就是宝宝的出生证明。
 在疫情初期,CBP发了一份文件,把 AP 列在了 Travel Document 里。对于这份文件的理解,应该是:这些所列的 travel document 仅仅是可被接受的文件,不代表用了这些文件就自动受到豁免。举例就是,某火锅店说,生日当天免费吃火锅,可以凭:身份证、驾照、护照。这不代表你拿了身份证就能免费吃火锅,还是要满足“生日”的条件。用 AP 举个例子就是,如果某夫妻有美国公民的子女,持 AP 作为 travel document 是可以入境的,豁免资格就是宝宝的出生证明 。这里,travel document是AP,豁免资格是出生证,两者都要有,才能入境。CBP在文件中列出AP作为travel document没有问题,并不代表AP本身可以豁免
 在实际操作中,有些航司会允许AP登机,有些不允许。美国海关有放人进来的例子,也有把人遣返的例子。如果要持 AP 直接从中国直飞美国,请自己衡量风险。
 在实际操作中,有些航司会允许AP登机,有些不允许。美国海关有放人进来的例子,也有把人遣返的例子。如果要持 AP 直接从中国直飞美国,请自己衡量风险。
行 45: 行 47:
 凡是豁免类别中提到“as determined by ...”的,则需要向相应的机构申请。
 凡是豁免类别中提到“as determined by ...”的,则需要向相应的机构申请。
 比如,对于绝大多数人来说,就是(xi) any alien whose entry would be in the '''national interest''', as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their designees,所 谓NIE 。申请的机构是Secretary of State的代理人,也就是国务院管辖的、美国驻各国的使领馆。
 比如,对于绝大多数人来说,就是(xi) any alien whose entry would be in the '''national interest''', as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their designees,所 谓national interest exception,NIE 。申请的机构是Secretary of State的代理人,也就是国务院管辖的、美国驻各国的使领馆。

於 2022年6月16日 (四) 17:29 的最新修訂

COVID travel ban 已於 2021年10月25日 宣布取消。以下內容僅作歷史參考,現已不適用


針對中國的 Travel Ban,全稱 Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus and Other Appropriate Measures To Address This Risk,我們來看原文:

Sec. 2. Scope of Suspension and Limitation on Entry.

  • (a) Section 1 of this proclamation shall not apply to:
  • (i) 綠卡身份 any lawful permanent resident of the United States; (注意,持有移民簽證但尚未入境的,尚不是LPR,故而不得入境。只有登錄過的移民才是LPR身份)
  • (ii) 公民或綠卡的配偶 any alien who is the spouse of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident;
  • (iii) 21歲以下且未婚的美國公民的父母或監護人 any alien who is the parent or legal guardian of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, provided that the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident is unmarried and under the age of 21;
  • (iv) 21歲以下且未婚的美國公民的兄弟姐妹 any alien who is the sibling of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, provided that both are unmarried and under the age of 21;
  • (v) 公民或綠卡的養子女,或以IR-4/IH-4身份尋求入境的收養中的子女 any alien who is the child, foster child, or ward of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, or who is a prospective adoptee seeking to enter the United States pursuant to the IR-4 or IH-4 visa classifications;
  • (vi) 受美國政府邀請對抗COVID的外國人 any alien traveling at the invitation of the United States Government for a purpose related to containment or mitigation of the virus;
  • (vii) 持C/D簽的飛機或船舶的機組人員 any alien traveling as a nonimmigrant under section 101(a)(15)(C) or (D) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(C) or (D), as a crewmember or any alien otherwise traveling to the United States as air or sea crew;
  • (viii) 持外交和北約簽證人員 any alien seeking entry into or transiting the United States pursuant to an A-1, A-2, C-2, C-3 (as a foreign government official or immediate family member of an official), G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO-1 through NATO-4, or NATO-6 visa;
  • (ix) CDC認為沒有傳播風險的人員 any alien whose entry would not pose a significant risk of introducing, transmitting, or spreading the virus, as determined by the CDC Director, or his designee;
  • (x) 由總檢察長認定的、有助於美國執法的外國人 any alien whose entry would further important United States law enforcement objectives, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees based on a recommendation of the Attorney General or his designee; or
  • (xi) 由國務卿認定的、符合美國國家利益的外國人 any alien whose entry would be in the national interest, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their designees.

Sec. 3. Implementation and Enforcement.

  • (a) 國務卿不得發放簽證,國土安全局不得放人入境 The Secretary of State shall implement this proclamation as it applies to visas pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, may establish. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall implement this proclamation as it applies to the entry of aliens pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, may establish.
  • (b) 各部門不能放人登上飛機 Consistent with applicable law, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Transportation, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall ensure that any alien subject to this proclamation does not board an aircraft traveling to the United States.
  • (c) 海關要在各關口實施 The Secretary of Homeland Security may establish standards and procedures to ensure the application and implementation of this proclamation at United States seaports and in between all ports of entry.
  • (d) 偷跑進來,優先遣返 An alien who circumvents the application of this proclamation through fraud, willful misrepresentation of a material fact, or illegal entry shall be a priority for removal by the Department of Homeland Security.


雖然這個總統令被俗稱為 Travel Ban,但實際上的要求包括:The Secretary of State shall implement this proclamation as it applies to visas.


  • 美國駐中國使領館:嚴格執行禁令。除非有豁免,否則不得簽證
  • 美國駐新加坡大使館、杜拜大使館:由於去簽證的中國人眾多,使館基本嚴格執行禁令,抵達後14天方可簽發新簽證
  • 美國駐墨西哥、加拿大使領館:不嚴格執行禁令,因為大多數中國人都是從美國來的。簽證官可能沒注意你是從中國來的。


按照Travel Ban原文,不行,AP不是豁免類別之一。連持移民簽證都進不來,更何況 I-485 待審這種,移民還沒被批的情況。

在疫情初期,CBP發了一份文件,把 AP 列在了 Travel Document 里。對於這份文件的理解,應該是:這些所列的 travel document 僅僅是可被接受的文件,不代表用了這些文件就自動受到豁免。舉例就是,某火鍋店說,生日當天免費吃火鍋,可以憑:身份證、駕照、護照。這不代表你拿了身份證就能免費吃火鍋,還是要滿足「生日」的條件。用 AP 舉個例子就是,如果某夫妻有美國公民的子女,持 AP 作為 travel document 是可以入境的,豁免資格就是寶寶的出生證明。這裡,travel document是AP,豁免資格是出生證,兩者都要有,才能入境。CBP在文件中列出AP作為travel document沒有問題,並不代表AP本身可以豁免。

在實際操作中,有些航司會允許AP登機,有些不允許。美國海關有放人進來的例子,也有把人遣返的例子。如果要持 AP 直接從中國直飛美國,請自己衡量風險。



凡是豁免類別中提到「as determined by ...」的,則需要向相應的機構申請。

比如,對於絕大多數人來說,就是(xi) any alien whose entry would be in the national interest, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their designees,所謂national interest exception,NIE。申請的機構是Secretary of State的代理人,也就是國務院管轄的、美國駐各國的使領館。